L.A. Stadium & Entertainment District, Inglewood, CA

Client: Hollywood Partners

Prime Contractor: TEC

Project Location: Inglewood, California

TEC Services

  • General Construction at Risk

Project Details

  • Construction Value: $2.3B

  • Completed: 2020

This new football stadium will have a seating capacity of over 80,000 seats and is dubbed the “NFL Disney World” as it is the most expensive world sports arena. The entire project encompasses a 300-acre development in Inglewood and will be comprised of a 300-bed hotel, 6000-seat performance venue, 1.5 million square feet of retail and office space, 2500 homes and 25 acres of parks.

The area surrounding the stadium will be an enormous mixed used community that will include over 3,000 new residential units, a man-made lake, and a revamped casino. Work on this expansive  area is expected to be completed in 2023 while the stadium itself will  be completed in 2020.

TEC’s primary services include, but are not limited to, scheduling, document control, QA/QC, safety, general conditions, administrative support and MBE/WBE/SBE outreach.